On November 6, 2015, U.S. Congressional Representative Rick Nolan from Minnesota's 8th district released the following statement on the release of the full Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement text:
“After years of secret negotiations by foreign governments, multi-national corporations and their wealthy lobbyists, the public release of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement reaffirms what the American people have long feared, and what those of us who have seen it already know: The TPP is terrible, job-killing public policy.
It promises to send more good American jobs overseas, close more American manufacturing facilities, and facilitate the dumping of hundreds of millions of additional tons of low-grade, foreign government-subsidized steel and other knock-offs of American manufactured goods into the U.S. marketplace. The effects on our Minnesota Iron Range mining industry, and on and our already depressed domestic steel industry would be devastating.
Moreover, the TPP will force American workers to compete on a lopsided playing field with nations like Vietnam and Malaysia, where wages are minimal and worker health and safety are of little or no concern. And it will provide other nations with the ability to skirt and undermine strong U.S. environmental, food safety, consumer privacy and intellectual property protections.
Make no mistake – Congressional opposition to the TPP is growing by the day, and it will continue to grow as the American people finally read this agreement and judge it for themselves.”
Source: Congressman Rick Nolan, 8th District of Minnesota